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<!DOCTYPE html>
div {
  background-color: lightgreen;
  inline-size: 70%;
  border-block-width: 10px;
#example1 {
  border-block-style: solid;
  border-block-color: pink;
#example2 {
  border-block-style: solid;
  border-block-color: pink lightblue;
<h2>border-block-color: pink:</h2>
<div id="example1">
  <p>The border-block-color property defines the color of the borders in the block direction.</p>
<h2>border-block-color: pink lightblue:</h2>
<div id="example2">
  <p>If two values are set; the first one is for the start in the block direction, and the second one is for the end in the block direction.</p>
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