Specialize in Modern Application Development with Python on AWS
Applied learning
Work hands-on with tools and technologies
Learning Flexibility
Study at your own pace. Be in control of your time
Earn a certificate
Document your knowledge and skills
Specialize in Modern Application Development with Python on AWS
This Specialization helps you to become a modern web developer.
Learn with subject matter Experts in this applied learning experience.
You will be tutored by:
- Morgan Willis
- Jonathan Dion
- Seph Robinson
The format is a text and video guided by a trainer.
Modern Application Development with Java on AWS Specialization
Learn the benefits of AWS
Learn to build modern application with Node.JS
Create a database with AWS DynamoDB

What you will learn
- AWS Cloud Essentials.
- Create Python Application on AWS.
- AWS DynamoDB.
- AWS CodeGuru.
Why get Specialized in Modern Application Development with Python on AWS
Gain job-relevant skills with short and applied learning experiences.
Build competence by learning from subject matter experts.
Increase your employability by adding value to your CV and resume.
Save time and money by taking taking a specialization that costs a fraction of a full qualification, and getting the same results.
How a Specialization Works
Working through a series of courses that help you master a skill.
Try things on your own and pay attention to the instructions given by the trainer.
Video and reading-based learning where you get to work on a hands-on project.
Track your course enrollments and progress in your learner dashboard.
Specialization Overview
Fee: 39 USD per month
Duration: 5 months
Earn a certificate: Yes
Difficulty level: Beginner
Language: English
Format: Text and video
Vendor: Coursera
Flexible learning experiences
Gain relevant skills at your own pace.
Build your skills bite-sized to better digest and process the learning.
Be in control of your own experience and time.
Apply what you have learned right away!
Earn a certificate
Pass the final quiz and earn your certificate.
Getting a certificate proves your commitment to upgrading your skills.
The certificate can be added as credentials to your CV, Resume, LinkedIn profile, etc.
It gives you the credibility needed for more responsibilities, larger projects, and a higher salary.
Knowledge is power, especially in the current job market.
Documentation of your skills enables you to advance your career or helps you to start a new one.
Specialize in Modern Application Development with Python on AWS
On this page, W3schools.com collaborates with Coursera, to deliver digital training content to our students.