How to Convert Time to Seconds using Excel
Learn how to convert time to Seconds using Excel.
Time can be converted into seconds using Excel.
The number 86400
can be used to convert time to seconds.

86400 Explained
Excel uses a 24-hour system.
Each day has 24 hours.
One hour is 60 minutes.
One minute is 60 seconds.
(hours) * 60
(minutes) * 60
(seconds) = 86400
00:01 * 86400 = 60
The example returns 60
because one minute (00:01
) is 60 seconds.

Each day has 24 hours.
Each hour can be understood as a percentage of the total hours of the day.
- 01:00 = 1/24
- 02:00 = 2/24
- 03:00 = 3/24
- and so on.
The percentage can be used to find the seconds.
Example (15:00)
15:00 * 86400 = 54000
Fifteen hours equals 54000
is 15/24 (0.625
0.625 * 86400 = 54000
Multiply to get 86400
24 (hours) * 60 (minutes) * 60 (seconds) = 86400